Now let’s look at some excerpts from George Will’s assessment of Biden in the Washington Post.
Joe Biden’s failed presidency is ending with a blizzard of decisions that validate voters’ rejection of his vice president… Two months into his presidency, the seeds of its ruin were sown with the American Rescue Plan… The predicted result, inflation, was exacerbated by the Inflation Reduction Act’s torrent of subsidies in the service of “industrial policy.” …No prior president used mass communications more insultingly to more Americans than Biden did with his hyperbolic warnings about the danger of Americans imposing “Jim Crow 2.0” and voting for “semi-fascism.” …The Biden administration’s extralegal overreaching earned many judicial rebukes. These concerned, inter alia, an eviction moratorium, a vaccine mandate, student loan forgiveness, and pressuring social media companies to intensify censorship (“content moderation”) of speech (“disinformation”) annoying to the administration.
Kevin Williamson, opining for the Dispatch, might be even harsher.
…one naturally wants to be charitable toward him as his failure as a politician and his failure as a father are fused together in the waning days of his presidency, a period dominated by his dishonest and impolitic pardon of his son Hunter… There is simply no way to tell the truth about Joe Biden’s life and career without kicking him while he is down… The defining qualities of Joe Biden the political man were arrogance and dishonesty, compounded by stupidity. …Biden will forever be paired with Trump in the history books and will be the smaller figure—Shemp to Trump’s Curly. …One could go through the greatest hits: …his creepy handsiness, …his reality-proof incompetence in the face of persistent corrosive inflation, his lawlessness on student loans, his stupidity on uranium, allowing the chaos at the border to fester and intensify… But what sticks in my mind about Biden is his slander of an obscure nobody, truck driver Curtis Dunn, whom he spent years lying about. Dunn was the other driver in the accident in which Biden’s first wife and his infant daughter died, an accident investigators at the time said was almost certainly caused by Mrs. Biden, who apparently pulled into oncoming traffic with the baby in her lap. Biden repeatedly claimed that Dunn was a drunk driver, a menace “who drank his lunch,” even though there was absolutely no evidence that this was true. It was, politically speaking, a better story, and Biden has always put his own selfish, greasy little interests ahead of those of ordinary people in the real world.
I’ll close with the observation that I’ll be glad when Joe Biden is gone, but that doesn’t mean I’m overly excited that Trump is coming back.
But I worry that Trump will reinvigorate the left and that this will lead to a Democratic Congress in 2026 and the frightening prospect of a President AOC (or someone similarly terrible) in 2028.