Is the truth unraveling and the tide turning on climate communism?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) cannot significantly alter global weather patterns or plunge the world into chaos and crisis. Historically, it hasn’t done so, and it’s unlikely to do so in the future. CO2 is vital for life, but at a concentration of just 4 molecules per 10,000, it’s too minuscule to counteract the overwhelming influences of the sun, moon, and oceans. The idea that it could do so goes against logic, scientific understanding, and common sense.

Italy has a smart PM and is making sensible choices

Don’t believe the hurricane hype

WTH? Faking it in the UK

EVs are terrible pollutants

NOAA fiddles data and has ghost stations…

…and they’re just plain wrong

One month ago NOAA predicted a warm January. They have no clue what weather patterns will be in four weeks, but are 97% certain about the climate next century.