WTH? Why is Jill Biden standing in for Joe and giving the Clinton’s $500 million?

First Lady Jill Biden announced at the Clinton Global Initiative that the Department of Defense will allocate $500 million annually to research women’s health, focusing on issues that disproportionately affect women, including arthritis, chronic fatigue, and cardiovascular health.

Allegedly, this initiative aims to not only benefit women in the military but also translate into broader health improvements for all women. In effect it hands over a big bunch of our money to the Clintons, who famously. never delivered in Haiti.

Does Jill Biden think she is Eva Peron or Imelda Marcos?

If the president is unable to head up a cabinet meeting it is the responsibility of the vice-president, not the president’s spouse/First Lady to pick up that task. As the Constitution never thought to address this issue it’s time we made an amendment to ensure it cannot happen again.

Quite rightly, the Biden administration, which has faced criticism for not holding a Cabinet meeting for nearly a year, drew furious attention for Jill Biden’s prominent role, where she discussed policy initiatives, while President Biden’s engagement was minimal, reflecting concerns about his rapidly declining mental acuity and leadership.