- Baking Soda – 8 ounces
- Citric Acid – 4 ounces
- Corn Starch – 4 ounces
- Salts – 4 ounces ( Dead Sea Salts, Mineral salts.)
Make sure there are no clumps or lumps by sieving or breaking up by hand. Mix all dry ingredients into a big glass (nonreactive) bowl.
- Water 3/4 tablespoon
- Essential or Fragrance Oil – 2 teaspoons. (Make sure it’s body safe. Perfume might work but room fragrance won’t!) Oh, and if you’re making shower bombs, you can go with oils that might not work on sensitive body parts in the tub, like eucalyptus, menthol and peppermint. These are great decongestants.
- Oil – 2.5 tablespoons. Light vegetable oil works but you can get swanky with almond, cherry kernel, etc.
- Food coloring – just 1 or 2 drops. (It will look dark in the batter, but don’t worry as it will look quite light in the bombs. Too dyed and your bathtub will suffer rings. Remember kindergarten: red + blue = purple/lilac, etc. Work out the drops ratio beforehand.
Shake up the wet ingredients in a jar then slowly pour into the bowl. Don’t worry if it doesn’t look mixed, it’s oil and water. It’ll start to prematurely fizz if you mix it too fast so do this bit slowly. Stir gently so you end up with a damp gravel that you can squish into a lump when you squeeze it. Push this into your mold.
As soon as it has the shape you desire, push it out and store it in an airless ZipLock, jar or plastic container. Humidity will cause it to start fizzing. So wrap it carefully.