It has been estimated that less than 10% of all plastic ever produced has been recycled. 90% of all the …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
It has been estimated that less than 10% of all plastic ever produced has been recycled. 90% of all the …
Nzambi Matee from Kenya, is a forward-thinking materials engineer and head of Gjenge Makers, which produces sustainable low-cost construction materials …
Give Back Box® provides vendor services to retailers and charities, giving each and every cardboard box a second life to …
Hotels throw out millions of used bars of soap every year. But two groups, one in Florida and one in …
Recycling is now an industry that uses increasingly expensive labor to produce materials that are worth less and less. China …
For decades we’ve been told recycling helps the Earth. It really doesn’t.
In March 2019, The New York Times ran a shocking story exploring why many prominent US cities were abandoning their …
Katie Olivia Hopkins is a British columnist and media personality known for her outspokenness. She first gained recognition as a controversial contestant on …
We all hate finding plastic waste. It spoils a trail ride, a beach walk and it looks awful on our …
If you’re a keen gardener but don’t always have time to water quite as often as you’d like to. Or …
McDonald’s UK decided to cave in to pressure from the Green lobby and replace the nearly 2 million plastic straws …
Most of us have a steady supply of waste paper which ends up in recycle bins or your garbage can. …
It’s usually assumed that climate change skeptics* simply don’t care about the environment. If they did, as the reasoning goes, …
This woman overcame adversity in an amazing way. She escaped her abusive marriage and took the kids away. With a …
Ocean Sole, an ocean conservation group located in Kenya, turns flip-flop pollution into art and functional products to promote the …
A team of researchers in the United States and Australia led by Jenna Jambeck, an environmental engineer at the University …
(BPT) – The auto salvage industry is more popular than ever. While automotive prices rise, so does the difficulty in …
Those two-liter bottles of soda are cheap so we buy them. But then we feel dirty for having to throw them …
I’ve got some good news and some bad news; most people have a problem coming up with the money they …
Hi, Kelly here. I hail from a small celtic island where everything had to be created from locally available materials until the …
Housing issues are everywhere. We have massive problems in cities like LA and New York where property is expensive and …