I’ve been drinking raw milk for almost 15 years, ever since I made a sudden switch from veganism while visiting …

Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
Basic survival, emergency preparedness, some politics with a few fun do-it-yourself skills thrown in.
I’ve been drinking raw milk for almost 15 years, ever since I made a sudden switch from veganism while visiting …
RFK Jr. breaks down the MAHA plan to reform USDA in two minutes: “We’re going to give farmers an off-ramp …
Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity or stretchiness. It’s in your bones, muscles, and blood, …
Researchers from The University of Queensland have discovered the active compound from an edible mushroom that boosts nerve growth and …
By SARA TIPTON Echinacea has been touted throughout history as an aid to the immune system during cold and flu …
A new database can give you an idea of whether or not your tap water is safe. But even if …
Could your feces be in high demand? According to a new study released by the University of Bergen in Norway, …
With cold and flu season right around the corner, it is essential to ensure your immune system is operating at …
Bloomberg is reporting farms in Southern China are reacting to an outbreak of African swine flu with attempts to breed …
New research shows the new trend for “plant-based meat” may lead to a higher risk of stroke. “(V)egetarians and vegans …
There are many ways to cook a steak. But if you don’t have (or don’t want a $1,000 grill) then …
Magnesium is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in your body but most people fail to reach the recommended daily …
Cactus is ubiquitous in the American southwestern deserts but mostly as a sign of desolation and lack of water. But …
Defense Department officials say they may have unlocked a diet secret that could turn American servicemembers into supersoldiers, capable of …
We have covered a plethora of different nutritional supplements, to aid in physical training and also for prepping and survival in general. …
Inositol hexaphosphate, is a vitamin-like substance sometimes called vitamin B-8 or simply IP6. It’s a chemical found in a number …
If you could decide today… how long do you want to live? What would you consider living a good life? …
Survival books, websites, and other resources have long focused on survival tips for the young and able, but what about …
So, by now, Guys and Gals, there are many factions to prepping and they all have their time and place, …
We’re going to talk about something that may seem simple, but it can make a big difference for you when …
From the New York Times: The salt equation taught to doctors for more than 200 years is not hard to …
Wow! If this headline from the London Evening Standard is correct, we’re in a lot of trouble. For years, so-called …
(Reuters Health) – Adults who never watch TV during family meals and eat mostly home-cooked food are much less likely …
The normalcy of your stools may be determined by comparing them to the Bristol Stool Form scale, or the BSF scale for …
Now that it’s getting warmer, we’ll be spending more time outside. Having a little extra energy and power would be …
You’ve probably seen commercials before for antihistamine allergy medicines like Sudafed and Benadryl. For some people, these products offer relief …
Your bowels consist of the small intestine and the large intestine (colon). Your small intestine absorbs foods and liquids. It …
They’re everywhere. Probiotics. But did you know most of them aren’t going to fix anything? The word probiotic means literally …
Vitamin D supplements may help people with diseased hearts, a study suggests. According to the BBC, a trial on 163 …
The Low FODMAP diet was developed by researchers at Monash University in Australia. The Monash team, led by Peter Gibson, …