Democrats in Delaware have signed off on a new bill that would compel gun owners to turn in “high capacity” magazines and prosecute those who do not.
The legislation was introduced less than a week ago but was fast-tracked just as local Democrats promised. The bill highlights magazines carrying more than 17 rounds as being “high capacity” and gun owners will have until June 30th 2022 to turn in their magazines or face legal consequences.
From Bearing Arms:
The magazine confiscation bill was one of two gun control measures approved by the Democrat-controlled Senate on Thursday, and with House Democrats vowing to fast track the anti-gun bills as well, the legislation could be headed to the governor’s desk as early as next week.
Senate Bill 6 defines a “high capacity” ammunition magazine as any that can hold more than 17 rounds of ammunition, and under the terms of the legislation all current owners would be required to hand over their legally-purchased magazines to police by June 30th, 2022. The bill sets aside $15,000 in funding for the compensated confiscation effort, which is almost identical to a California law that’s currently being challenged in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The other bill approved by the Senate is just as bad, quite honestly. It would create a brand new hurdle for those wanting to exercise their right to keep arms by requiring them to obtain a permit-to-purchase before they can legally acquire a handgun.
As Bearing Arms writer Cam Edwards notes in his piece the other bill is also bad news for gun owners in the state. The permit-to-purchase requirement would effectively serve as another waiting period.
There is an all out push from the DNC and the Biden Administration to secure gun control while they hold the reigns of power in Washington, a version of this legislation may soon appear in Congress.