Will what happened in Berlin happen in Arizona?

Last year, Germany’s constitutional court ruled that Berlin would have to re-run its elections, after deciding that organizational chaos reported at hundreds of polling stations around the city in September made the vote invalid. 

Presiding Judge Ludgera Selting said the decision had to be taken because of the “frequency and gravity” of the mistakes that had been made, which were so widespread that they may have altered the election result. Selting also spoke of “serious systemic flaws” in the preparation for the election.

On Sunday they re-ran the elections. There was a massive collapse in left wing voting and support for the political right surged, with the centrist Christian Democratic Union (CDU) seeing a seismic ten-point rise over the previous ballot.

According to a report by Der Spiegel, this re-run has seen the mandates for every major left-wing party in the German capital decline significantly, with the three outfits that previously ruled the city — the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Die Linke, and the Green Party — all seeing their support drop between 0.5 to 3 per cent.

Meanwhile in Arizona…