More from the people in the HBO documentary #KillChain (2020)
— Th3 R3al ✘An0nym0u5✘
I can't recommend this film enough and how important it is.
It completely blows the arguments we are hearing in the MSM right out of the water!![]()
(@Th3_An0nym0u5_) December 9, 2020
Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections is an American television documentary film produced by Ish Entertainment, Blumhouse Productions and HBO Films. The film examines the American election system and its vulnerabilities to foreign cyberwarfare operations and 2020 presidential election interference. The film also features hackers at the conference DEF CON in their attempts to test the security of electronic voting machines. (More at Wikipedia).
“In advance of the 2020 Presidential election, KILL CHAIN: THE CYBER WAR ON AMERICA’S ELECTIONS took a deep dive into the weaknesses of today’s election technology, investigating the startling vulnerabilities in America’s voting systems and the alarming risks they pose to our democracy.”