This GOP battle has raged for 70 years. Now it’s time to end it, once and for all!

Political commentators and talking heads of the established regime have been abuzz over a comment made by former Ambassador Nikki Haley following her drubbing in the South Carolina Republican presidential primary. Dana Bash of CNN asked Haley, “Isn’t it possible the party (GOP) has moved, and the party is about Donald Trump and not what you’re describing, which might be the party of yesterday?” Haley admitted that “It is very possible.”

Note the framing Bash set out. Either the Republican Party is the party of yesterday; or, it is nothing but a cult of personality around Donald Trump. Haley dutifully played the role of stooge and walked into it, agreeing “it is very possible” that is the situation.

The Battle has raged for 70 years

But the truth of the matter is far richer and deeper than anyone associated with CNN or the Haley campaign would understand or want to discuss. The truth of the matter is that the battle inside the confines of the Republican Party has been raging for more than 70 years. While it may have ebbed and flowed at times, the conflict between those forces of America First and the globalists — what was once called the Internationalist wing of the GOP — has never ceased.

From the end of World War II at the minimum, there has been a war inside the GOP over how the party would present itself to the American people. The globalists were strict adherents to the so-called “post-war consensus,” a fancy term for uniparty: One party, one policy, one objective. And that objective has been from the very beginning unilateral surrender of American sovereignty to international organizations and the constant erosion of individual liberty and self-government.

As Pat Buchanan so aptly put it, “Our two parties have become nothing but two wings on the same bird of prey.” The prey has been the American economy, the American people and the American system.

For CNN or any other corporate “media” propagandist to attempt to say Donald Trump has caused a break inside the GOP is nothing less than a purposeful lie. By echoing it, Haley has lied as well. The battle over the U.S. acting like an empire is a fight that has raged and will continue to rage long after Donald Trump is gone.  

Eisenhower and internationalism

In 1952, millions of Americans wanted nothing more to do with war and did not support the policies of “nation building” and “policing the world.” They had a hero in Ohio Senator Robert Taft. But at the last minute the insider crew pulled General Dwight Eisenhower out of retirement to run on their agenda. Nobody on this earth could have defeated Eisenhower, so the policies of internationalism advanced.  

In 1964, the American people wanted an end to the leftist policies of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. Senator Barry Goldwater came roaring out of Arizona to capture the Republican nomination and deny the establishment control. What was their reaction?  The “liberals” in the party worked over-time to defeat Goldwater and hand the country over to Lyndon Johnson. Nelson Rockefeller, Bill Scranton and a guy named Romney did everything in their power to destroy Goldwater.

And they won, Goldwater was soundly defeated. But what they did not do was destroy the movement. The anti-globalist cadres grew. Far from being purged as the elites had hoped, the modern movement for the restoration of the American Republic began to explode throughout the country.

Nixon, ever the canny tactician, saw this movement and was careful to use it without scaring the establishment away. In fact, a meeting in New York between Nixon and Rockefeller in 1960 was specifically designed to make sure the Goldwater-patriot movement did not get anything of value if the event of a Nixon victory. We all know what happened to Nixon. Regardless of the offenses he may or may not have committed, once the establishment had their hand-picked toady, Gerald Ford, positioned to take over, Nixon was gone. He resigned when Republican “leaders” refused to back or support him.  

So, yet again, the internationalist arm of the GOP had prevailed. Ford lost the White House to Jimmy Carter but not before barely surviving a primary from the patriot wing of the party in the form of Ronald Reagan. Reagan came within 76 votes at the 1976 Convention of defeating the milquetoast, uniparty tool Ford. And for the next four years, the establishment did everything in its power to harm, cut and hurt Reagan. At one point in late 1979, the RNC Chairman Bill Brock of Tennessee said that the nomination of Ronald Reagan would lead to the wipeout of Republican candidates for Congress. Brock did not comment when Reagan later pulled in the first GOP Senate in over 20 years, picking up 12 Senate seats on his coattails.

Reagan got the Trump treatment

As for Reagan, the establishment wasn’t finished with him just because he had won the nomination. Through sleazy tricks using the media and pressure on Reagan to “unite the party,” a deal was hatched that put George H.W. Bush on the ticket. The former CIA director, grandson and son of insider hacks who had amassed great wealth was the dream candidate of the internationalists. He believed in all the vile nonsense of the globalists and pushed hard with the open co-operation of the Democrats to tie the U.S. into the web of global central control.

For all his arrogance and disdain for the average American, Bush could not help himself as President. He was compelled to force us into a war in the Middle East. And as a result of that war and his broken promise to the American People on the issue of taxes, he was challenged for the nomination in 1992. Pat Buchanan ran against Bush and exposed the Bush regime record as the antithesis on conservative governance. The establishment was able to dispatch Buchanan but not before millions of Americans were exposed to the truth of the internationalists

So, for the next 24 years, the globalists controlled the GOP. The lineup was a never ending cavalcade of anti-American trade deals, wars and subservience to international bureaucrats who hated America, the American people and all they stood for.  Bush 1, Dole, Bush 2, McCain, and Romney; no greater rogues’ gallery can be imagined. All putting the interests of big corporations, the central banks and international organizations ahead of America and the American people.  

The base fights back

And then the base struck back. In 2016 Donald Trump ran on the core tenets of an America First platform; control of our borders, end give-away trade deals that had shipped millions of American jobs overseas, and an end to the forever wars. To reinstate the globalist agenda of open borders, give away trade and world policeman with our sons and daughters, the deep state and the thugs they control counter-attacked.  

That is where we are today, in the middle of a war between the globalist cabal that hates America and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) forces that continue to grow, expand into communities not thought of as open to the message, and become more adept in all areas of political warfare. And that is why the propaganda machine is trying so desperately to convince voters that the America First movement is something unique to Trump and that it is outside the fundamental debate.,

So, to set the record straight, the fight over America First vs. Global World Government is a battle that has been raging at least since 1952. It didn’t start with Trump and it will not end when he has left the stage. The Rockefeller Funds, and the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Atlantic Council and all the other apologists for global tyranny are opposed to MAGA and the American people. They have been from the beginning.  Nikki Haley is just the most recent puppet to be used to con Americans. She will not be the last. But she may be the last “serious” contender to ever again espouse the anti-American dogma inside the GOP.

Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government. 

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