From Adam at Open the Books.
When Congress passed their omnibus spending bills last month, it was a reminder that both parties are spending us into historic debt. And more importantly, we need a bold plan to stop Washington from bankrupting our nation!
So, our auditors analyzed the earmark spending.
Here are our top-line findings:Since 2023, The Squad, a group of eight democratic socialists, earmarked $224 million on 215 projects.The House Freedom Caucus, the “fiscal conservative” caucus, 22 members and close affiliates earmarked 210 projects for nearly $1 billion.
Thankfully, there were 27 House Freedom Caucus members who REFUSED earmarks again this year.
Squad members funded things like a “green tech park” for “Environmental leaders of color” costing $1.7 million and a new building for the International Women’s Muslim Women’s Empowerment Project costing $1.2 million.The House Freedom Caucus members funded things like $20 million for an upgrade of Baltimore Ave in Ocean City Maryland; $190,000 for electric and magnet shark repellent; and $5 million for the sewer to septic project in Naples Florida.

READ: “The Squad” Earmarked $224 Million Since 2023 – Led By AOC, It’s Pork Barrel Spending by The Democratic Socialists. House Freedom Caucus Members Earmarked Nearly $1 Billion From Taxpayers

Our investigations made immediate impact.
FOX News and FOX Business used our data no fewer than eight times, including a report from White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich.
The New York Post covered it. The National Desk at Sinclair Broadcast aired across nearly one hundred stations; The Washington Times covered each report; as did Just the News (here and here); and many other media.
Our motto: Just the facts. No spin.
In the end, constituents can debate the merits of these projects. But – here’s something we can all agree on:
Every dime of these earmarks was borrowed from future generations on our national debt. And that’s a moral outrage.
If you agree, let’s do something together…
On our website, we have thousands of signatures on our petition calling for a public vote on earmarks. (House Republicans held a closed-door vote each of the last three years to resume using earmarks).
In this election year, we deserve to know whether our member of Congress is in or out on earmarks. Let’s have a public vote.
No more secrets.
If members want to earmark pet projects, let’s watch them cast their vote in public, so we can hold them accountable.
Please join us and take action by signing our petition!
![]() Adam Andrzejewski CEO/Founder, ![]() Thomas W. Smith Chairman, |