Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was forced to give a speech at a fancy restaurant full of elitist San Francisco campaign donors in casual wear after carjackers stole his luggage.
Schiff, who is currently running for Senate in California, had his car wasbroken into by thieves who stole his luggage. It was parked in a downtown garage, and the theft occurred when he wasn’t there.
Let this be a reminder to all politicians that policies eventually have consequences
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 26, 2024
“I guess it’s 'Welcome to San Francisco'."
Adam Schiff is ROBBED in San Francisco causing him to show up at a meeting with no suit.
The San Francisco Chronicle tried (and failed) to make light of the thievery.
"Hello to the city, goodbye to your luggage. That was…