That student agitating gig is kinda lucrative!

According to the Toronto Sun, those anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protesters are getting paid to protest. Not all of them. But enough of them — enough to raise concerns about the “reality” of what we are seeing on our TV and computer screens, says the evidence and experts.

We’re told that they are all students, but we can see from the TV feed from Columbia, UCLA and CUNY that many just don’t fit in on campus and look like seasoned protestors, egging on their dim student “friends”.

This newspaper first revealed in January that Israel-hating protesters were getting paid to show up. We detailed how a group called the Plenty Collective in Victoria, B.C. was paying out around $15,000 a month to people, largely actors, to attend carefully stage-managed anti-Israel protests in and around that city.

Then, in the past week, other media published similar reports. The New York Post revealed that anti-Israel “fellows” at three U.S. colleges were getting paid via the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights – — in some cases getting as much as $3,600 a week in exchange for just eight hours of agitating.

That revelation was followed by the Daily Mail detailing a report authored by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). That report showed that the main group behind the occupation of Columbia University and other campuses had received more than US$3 million a year from charities linked to Hamas.

In the 73-page report, ISGAP revealed that Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — with chapters in Canada and the United States — had been funnelled millions via myriad non-profits like the Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC), Tides, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), its parent organization Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP), and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP).