Peak Blue City: Nudists save tourist from blow-torch wielding pirate

Pete Sferra of San Jose and Lloyd Fishback of San Francisco, the two nudists who stopped the blowtorch-wielding pirate, are quite the characters!

Pete Sferra, a grandfather of two, is known for his relaxed views on clothing and his love for engaging with the community. He’s often seen strolling around San Francisco’s Castro district, striking up conversations with locals and tourists alike. When he’s not busy saving tourists from deranged pirates, Pete enjoys birdwatching and has been known to take his pet cockatoo for walks around the neighborhood.

Lloyd Fishback, on the other hand, is a bit of a recluse. He prefers to keep a low profile and values his privacy. However, he didn’t hesitate to jump into action when he saw a fellow human in danger. Lloyd is a man of few words but has a mean right hook that can take down even the most menacing of blowtorch-wielding pirates.

Together, Pete and Lloyd make quite the dynamic duo. They’re the heroes San Francisco’s Castro district didn’t know it needed. Who needs Batman and Robin when you have Pete and Lloyd, the naked crusaders of justice?