Two huge companies dump DEI teams.

In a 2022 annual report, John Deere listed ‘Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion’ as one of its ‘highest-priority topics.’ This week it dumped it.

Apparently, sponsoring trans and pride marches wasn’t a big hit with the target audience.

But in the case of Microsoft, it’s a big deal. WOW. Microsoft has disbanded its DEI team due to “changing business needs” claiming that DEI programs are no longer deemed “business critical.”

MS says it’s all about “shifting business needs,” but the impact goes much deeper. This action sends ripples through the corporate world, hinting at a potential rollback of the “inclusivity” movement so beloved by progressives.

While paying lip-service to their commitment to DEI policies, just without a supervisory team – we should note that this shift at Microsoft mirrors a broader trend in the tech industry. Other major companies like Zoom, Google, and Meta have also scaled back their DEI initiatives in recent months.

How about we just employ the best people for the job?