Climate Round-up

Maybe it’s not CO2 after all…

This study provides a brief review of research on the impact of anthropogenic (manmade) increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration on Earth’s climate. After analysis, it asks whether additionally emitted carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is even a greenhouse gas.

TRANSCRIPT OF X BELOW: A major new study has debunked the narrative that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from human activity is causing so-called “global warming.” The study, published in Science Direct, confirms what “climate scientists” should have told the public a long time ago. The warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited, according to the new study. In fact, that limit has already been reached, decades ago. The study found that carbon dioxide emissions have zero impact on the Earth’s global temperatures. Even if we dug up all the world’s coal and extracted all the world’s oil and burned it in one giant pyre, its CO2 emissions wouldn’t heat the planet. The findings of this study directly conflict with the globalist “climate crisis” narrative being promoted by the United Nations-funded “science” community. Even the taxpayer-funded National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) continues to push these “global warming claims.”

In fact…it’s quite beneficial…

And it’s not even that warm

Solar panels aren’t very environmentally friendly

Neither are wind turbines

It’s not about the climate – it’s about power