Rewriting history – The Border Czar

Because her record on the Border issue was so abysmal, the MSM is rewriting history to ensure that the migrant problem does not become “her fault’ on the election trail.

Remember when she became “Border Czar”? We do. But now we’re misremembering according to the spokespeople on the Left.

Here’s what they said at the time:

Joe Biden put Vice-President Kamala Harris in charge of controlling migration at the southern border following a big influx of new arrivals. Mr Biden said he was giving her a “tough job” but that she was “the most qualified person to do it”. The numbers of people arriving have grown since Mr Biden took office. BBC 3/24/21.

Move on two years and her own side is complaining about her performance:

This is a screen shot from today if you search for “Kamala Harris Border Czar”

Elon asks a good question. She only visited once, and was 800 miles from the action. She visited the Border Patrol facility in El Paso which is safe, secure, and sanitized. The real action is 800 miles away in the Rio Grande Valley.

“When VP Kamala Harris made her first and only trip to the…border, federal agents…were instructed to completely sanitize the area to hide the true severity of the crisis…even going so far as braiding the hair of unaccompanied minors.”

If Harris had been politically brave enough to visit the U.S.-Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas — where you find the agents who act as the first responders to the migration crisis — she would have gotten a first-hand look and left with a whole different perspective. DailyBeast