UPDATE: “Smurfing” and some serious questions about the massive fund-raising manipulations behind the Harris 2024 campaign

Enter: Johann Georg Wyss known as Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire businessman and donor to politically liberal and environmental causes here in the United States. He is the founder and the former president and chairman of Synthes Holding AG, a medical device manufacturer. His Wyss Foundation has more than $2 billion in assets.

As of 2023, Wyss had a net worth of US$4.7 billion, according to Forbes. Having donated hundreds of millions of dollars to environmental causes, he has more recently increased his donations to groups promoting progressive causes.

Grassroots “small donations”

The world is expressing skepticism about the legitimacy of the $80+ million claimed to have been raised by Kamala Harris’ campaign – overnight. Some users suggest that the funds may not be new donations but rather money that was already raised for Joe Biden’s re-election bid before he dropped out of the race that was being held “just in case”. Others are questioning the transparency of the fundraising process, with some referencing past controversies involving ActBlue, the platform used by Democrats for online donations. James O’Keefe went out to check up on some FEC records and found that not all was as it seems. In fact, it looks as though serious malfeasance is occurring.

However, supporters of Harris are highlighting the record-breaking nature of the fundraising haul, which they see as a testament to her popularity and the enthusiasm of her supporters. They argue that the funds will be crucial in the upcoming election battle against Donald Trump.

Overall, the discourse on X reflects a divided opinion on the legitimacy of the funds raised by Harris, with some questioning the transparency of the process and others celebrating the achievement as a sign of strong support for her candidacy.


There are also allegations that the funds may have been contributed by large donors who are routing their contributions through smaller, individual donations to create the appearance of a grassroots fundraising effort. This is called “surfing” and some users are calling for a closer examination of the source of these funds, citing concerns about potential violations of campaign finance laws.

James O’Keefe has exposed the Democrat’s MASSIVE money laundering operation. Contributions were made through the democrats ActBlue donation platform and citizens all across the US. Over $200 million are being laundered this way. It’s called “Smurfing”: The activity of laundering money by conducting a large number of small transactions through banks and individuals.

One person “contributed ” $217,000 through 12,000 different contributions in a three-year period, in variations of his name and address. Thousands of transactions laundering hundreds of millions of dollars. James went a-knocking.