Capitol stormed! Why is this different from Jan 6th?

The Capitol saw a significant gathering of demonstrators on July 24, 2024, protesting against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Congress. Some protesters were seen waving Palestinian flags and even a Hamas flag, expressing their opposition to Israel’s actions in Gaza and the ongoing conflict with Hamas.

Organizers of the demonstration told the media that they were from Jewish Voice for Peace, an ostensibly Jewish organization that essentially supports Hamas.

The Capitol Police, to its credit, eventually cleared out the insurrectionists but the witch-hunt that followed the events of January 6th 2021 has not been repeated. It is unlikely these people will be imprisoned.

Remember, there are still American hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza.

On July 24, 2024, there were reports of protesters burning American flags and raising Palestinian flags outside Union Station in Washington, D.C. This occurred during demonstrations against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Congress. The protests involved the burning of an effigy of Netanyahu and an Israeli flag, as well as the vandalism of statues with graffiti reading “Hamas.” The United States Park Police announced that they were seeking information about the protesters who assaulted officers and damaged property during the event.

House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, replaced the American flags that were torn down and burned by pro-Palestinian protesters at Union Station in Washington, D.C.