Look at what keen observers saw in Biden’s announcement

Was this address taped to make sure it looked good, and not rambling? The time on the president’s watch suggests it was recorded earlier.

Other issues with the address include the fact that Biden’s hands suddenly look like those of a much younger man and the panel behind his left ear glitches.

Certainly, the way he holds his hands during his walk-off suggests that his Parkinson’s is now very advanced.

Also, in the first half of the video the “trees” don’t move but in the second half they do, leading observers to speculate that the image has been created, not recorded. Biden also looks to have severe facial bruising on his left cheekbone and left jawbone underneath all that make-up. Viewers speculate that he had a bad “faceplant” fall. Was it this and not covid that kept him off the public stage?

The guy who left the Oval Office was taller and fitter than what we’re used to!

But this is the real kicker

His vow to “reform” the Supreme Court of the United States of America is the scariest part of his address.