Big Tech erasing Trump and Harris data in true 1984 style

As we noted last week, the radical Left and mainstream media are already working to erase Kamala Harris’ disastrous record as Vice President. The latest move comes from AXIOS, which is reportedly deleting past comments about her being the “border czar.”

Over on the big search engine, just Google Trump a$$assination and you get — squat. Google is already suppressing searches on the “assassination attempt on TRUMP.” This is clearly an attempt to prevent political support for Donald Trump.

Facebook is at it, too

MSM is erasing Harris’s past moves on BLM and drug sentencing convictions.

Amazon removed Caleb Maupin’s book about Kamala last week, even though it was on there for 4 years.

In this book, originally published in 2020, and censored in 2024 when Kamala was named the Democrat Candidate, Maupin goes over the life story and political background of a woman he considers to be the most dangerous potential US President in history.

Caleb “Borger King” “Spanky Tankie” Maupin (1988-) is an American Nazbol “patriotic socialist”, cult leader, author, and YouTuber. He is RT’s New York correspondent, having previously been a reporter for Press TV.