Will Big Business decide the November outcome?

It’s called a Gramscian “superstructure and base” strategy. Radical activists took a long march through our institutions and hijacked them for money and power. Now they are poised to take everything away from us and tell us we are happy about it. They will get filthy rich and powerful in the process. It’s an anti-competitive strategy. Some have called it neo-feudalism.

TRANSCRIPT: Here are the biggest organizations in the United States. The HUGE Blue Bubbles are Democratic Party donors. The TINY Red Bubbles are Republican Party donors. The Democratic Party isn’t so much of a “political party” as a criminal syndicate. This big blue machine functions like a cartel to acquire unearned rents from productive members of society using government force. This cartel also engineers wars abroad that do nothing to advance U.S. national security interests. In fact, its actions often imperil national security, such as with open borders. Cultural organizations manufacture ideology and news groups contrive propaganda in order to “justify” this machine’s illegitimate use of legalized coercion. This is a criminal syndicate that will continue to grow like a parasite until it chokes the host to death. America, you are here.