DNC Wall envied by Border States, ID check jealously eyed by poll workers

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago for 2024 is turning into a massive joke. With their massive. fence, extra security and ID checks, they are directly contradicting their public stance on similar issues at a national level where it affects real people and not their own delegates. This proves yet again their hypocrisy and absolute contempt fr the average American. Welcome to the new Party. Its apparatchiks must be protected at all costs.

  • Security Measures: The DNC, known for its stance against border walls due to their supposed “inefficacy or discriminatory” nature, has itself erected what some might call an “impenetrable wall” around the convention venue. Good for me, but not for thee?
  • ID Requirements: To enter the convention, attendees are required to show valid identification. This requirement starkly contrasts with the Democratic Party’s historical opposition to voter ID laws, which they argue could suppress votes due to perceived barriers to access. Yet, here, ID is not just requested but mandated for entry into their own event, suggesting a level of security and verification they deem necessary for their own gatherings but not for the broader electorate.
  • Public Sentiment: On platforms like X, users have pointed out this irony with posts like, “Isn’t it ironic? You need an ID to get past the wall to enter the DNC convention, but their party thinks a wall to enter our country and ID to vote is racist.” These sentiments highlight the perceived hypocrisy where security and verification are deemed essential for their elite gatherings but potentially discriminatory when applied universally.
  • Political Hypocrisy: The situation has led to accusations of hypocrisy, with critics arguing that if such measures are justified for the safety and integrity of the DNC, why not for national security or electoral integrity? This juxtaposition has fueled discussions on the application of principles versus political convenience.