RFK Jr. and DJT create Unity Party – Dems hate it…An unfolding story.

On Friday RFK, Jr. dropped out calling the Democrats the party of:  “censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, and… Big Money.

Ahead of his speech, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in a Pennsylvania court filing that he would be endorsing Donald Trump. He claimed that they, “In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to destroying it.” In endorsing Donald Trump he cited three reasons: “The war on free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children.

He also provided other reasons for endorsing Donald Trump, including: deep criticism towards the Democratic Party, particularly highlighting what he perceives as systemic issues like censorship, media control, and a lack of genuine democratic process; the undemocratic nature of Kamala Harris’s promotion to nominee; the undemocratic treatment he had received from the Democrat party, including targeted and expensive “law fare”; the imposition of censorship on what we can and cannot say; a desire to reflect the values of his father’s and uncle’s Democrat party; and a will to take on the corrupt “uniparty” system which has its tentacles all over government.

Then he gave this amazing speech

Here it is:

    His endorsement makes this race a coalition of liberals and conservatives vs. Communists. It is seriously pissing off the Democrats.

    His family have disowned him.

    This was not a simple endorsement of Trump. This was an endorsement of retaking the White House and using that position to restore the Republic to its proper course…I think the modern Democratic Party is an existential threat to the republic. And although I am a Democrat, I’ve been a Democrat my whole life. The party that I see in front of me today is literally the inverse of the party I signed up for…There is no conceivable scenario in which I would vote for Kamala Harris.” Bret Weinstein

    Staying on the ballot in non-battleground states is genius

    “My name will remain on the ballot in most states. If you live in a blue state, you can vote for me,” said Kennedy. “In about 10 battleground states where my presence would be a spoiler, I’m going to remove my name, and I’ve already started that process.”

    RFK Jr.

    Kennedy clarified that he is NOT terminating his campaign, and will stay on the ballot in solid red and solid blue states but will remove himself from the ballots in battleground states. i.e., he is staying on the ballot in states where they hurt the Dems and off the ballot in states where it helps Trump. This is clever. It gives disgruntled Democrat voters an opportunity to cast a protest vote.

    RFK Jr.: “It (DNC) ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same, shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor also without an election they installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate. My uncle and my father both relished debate. They prided themselves on their capacity go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas. They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days. This is profoundly undemocratic.”

    What’s his reward?

    Rumors are swirling that RFK Jr is seeking a cabinet position in exchange for his endorsement, with his eyes set on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If that were to happen, he’d be in charge of the FDA, NIH, CDC, and 10 other government agencies.

    Trump has said he will release all the files on President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and establish a committee or special investigation unit to look into all assassination attempts including Robert F. Kennedy’s and the recent attempt on Trump’s life – all -hopefully- to be overseen by RFK Jr. which hopefully will allow him some closure.