Fallen soldiers spurned by Harris-Biden-Walz but not this former president

The Arlington Memorial Ceremony on August 26, 2024, commemorating the third anniversary of the death of 13 U.S. service members in Afghanistan, was marked by the notable presence of former President Donald Trump, who attended to honor the fallen soldiers.

Trump’s participation included laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery, a gesture of remembrance for each of the 13 individuals lost.

The ceremony was notably absent of current President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, which sparked discussions and criticism on social platforms like X. Many users highlighted this absence, contrasting it with Trump’s attendance, suggesting a lack of respect or acknowledgment from the current administration towards these fallen heroes.

And isn’t the nominee for vice-president a veteran National Guard member? Wouldn’t. it have been appropriate for him to attend?

The event not only served as a memorial but also as a point of political contention, reflecting conservative sentiments about leadership, remembrance, and respect for military sacrifices. Qualities modern progressives lack in abundance.