The doctor who tried to warn us last time has another urgent message for us….

We ran this video at the time it was made. It caused us to be blocked by email providers for sending out links. to our story, and Facebook to deplatform us. The integrity of these brave physicians impressed us. As, of course did the logic of their argument.

Do you remember the brave souls like Dr. Stella Immanuel MD who spoke out against the unproven, government-indemnified new technology? Here’s a reminder.

She’s back with another warning

Dr. Stella Immanuel has been vocal about her views on health and treatments, particularly gaining attention for her stance on hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. Naturally, she is widely condemned by medical boards, especially as many of her unconventional treatments include spiritual guidance as well as “supplements”.

She is one of the highest prescribers of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the U.S., advocating for their use against COVID-19 despite widespread scientific consensus and regulatory bodies like the FDA cautioning against their use. about a “trifecta” of health threats: COVID-19, Bird Flu, and Mpox. Her advocacy includes promoting products like the “Trifecta Plandemic Family Pack” aimed at defending against these diseases

Dr. Immanuel’s warnings and treatments resonate with people looking for non-Big Pharma alternatives or those who have been abandoned or ignored by mainstream healthcare.

The broader medical community points out that while hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin might have some benefits in other contexts, their efficacy against viruses like COVID-19, Bird Flu, or Mpox has not been substantiated by rigorous, large-scale clinical trials for these specific uses.

Which is exactly what skeptics like Dr. Immanuel said about the vaccines!