More Climate News…The skeptical kind

Ice melting – but it’s a good thing.

One of the most visible consequences of global climate change (Yes, things change. It’s cyclical. Not human-caused) could deliver a way to limit its effects.

“It’s a kind of wonder material,” says Minik Rosing, a native Greenlander, referring to the ultra-fine silt deposited as the glaciers melt. Known as glacial rock flour, the silt is crushed to nano-particles by the weight of the retreating ice sheet, which deposits roughly one billion tonnes of it on the world’s largest island per year.

This nutrient-rich mud boosts agricultural output when applied to farmland and absorbs carbon dioxide from the air in the process. Scientists at multinational brewer Carlsberg are also investigating and have found that adding 25 tonnes of glacial rock flour per hectare increased crop yield on barley fields in Denmark by 30%.

Why is no one talking about the underwater volcano?

Their forecasting sucks