How inconvenient.
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) September 19,
CO2 creates oxygen
Carbon dioxide increased only 2 molecules in 10,000 in the 11,700 years since the start of the current Holocene interglacial. In this time it has been warmer than the modern era for 81 per cent of the time. CO2 creates oxygen & sustains all life on earth. It's a colossal hoax.
— Peter Clack (@PeterDClack) September 19, 2024
A 485-million-year history of Earth’s surface temperature
A long-term record of global mean surface temperature (GMST) provides critical insight into the dynamical limits of Earth’s climate and the complex feedbacks between temperature and the broader Earth system. Here, we present PhanDA, a reconstruction of GMST over the past 485 million years, generated by statistically integrating proxy data with climate model simulations. PhanDA exhibits a large range of GMST, spanning 11° to 36°C. Partitioning the reconstruction into climate states indicates that more time was spent in warmer rather than colder climates and reveals consistent latitudinal temperature gradients within each state. There is a strong correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and GMST, identifying CO2 as the dominant control on variations in Phanerozoic global climate and suggesting an apparent Earth system sensitivity of ~8°C, about two to three times what it is today.
Really useful paper out today on exactly this.
— Bob D ( (@bobathon) September 19, 2024
Earth has been cooling for 50 million years
There is no climate crisis anywhere on earth. This is a fabrication concocted & funded by globalists at the UN and elsewhere. Earth has been cooling for 50 million years and in an ice age for 2.58 million years. Carbon dioxide has no role at all in weather or changing weather.
— Peter Clack (@PeterDClack) September 19, 2024
“very little sea level rise over the past two centuries”
Sea level data from ten of the longest term global tide gauges show that there has been very little sea level rise over the past two centuries, and there has been no acceleration in the rate. The sea level rise scare is one of the biggest lies of the #ClimateScam…
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) September 19, 2024