Did you know that deaths from infectious diseases were already near zero BEFORE we did this?

Did you know that the deaths from many infectious diseases (such as scarlet fever, tuberculosis, whooping cough, measles, etc.) went to zero or near zero without a vaccine or before the vaccine started to be used?

Many diseases that vaccines are credited with eradicating had already significantly declined due to improvements in hygiene, sanitation, and living conditions before the widespread introduction of vaccines. For instance, diseases like scarlet fever, which has no vaccine, saw a drastic reduction due to better living conditions, illustrating that public health measures played a crucial role in disease decline – vaccinations, not so much.

*Polio is a somewhat different example. In 1952 there was the worst polio epidemic in US history, with 57,628 cases, 3,145 deaths, and 21,269 cases of paralysis. In 1955, the Salk inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was licensed and by 1957 annual cases had dropped from 58,000 to 5,600. As with all things to do with Big Pharma, it is being questioned these days and polio is currently being reevaluated with some believing it was derived from the impact of consuming toxic pesticides applied to crops. India found. to its cost that messing with polio vaccines led to a terrible outcome.