‘Victory plan’ now a surrender plan

Zelenskyy’s initial ‘victory plan’ has shifted towards negotiations, leading some to label it a ‘surrender plan.’

We are forced to remember that that Ukraine and its Western allies have not achieved their original goals in the conflict with Putin. It’s possible that, if the peace talks in 2022 had proceeded, over a million Ukrainian lives might have been saved. The brakes were applied to the peace talks and created a strategic environment where peace seemed less favorable than continuing the conflict.

If the Western parties involved had hoped that this would create a stronger negotiating position or a decisive military outcome they were flat-out wrong. Russia is huge, Putin is determined, Ukraine is not in NATO, Ukraine is a corrupt kleptocracy, Eastern Ukraine is culturally Russian. Surrender was always on the cards.

In the meantime many in Kiev have become impossibly wealthy.

Our tax dollars at work

While there’s much speculation, direct, verifiable evidence of payments from Ukraine to U.S. politicians for personal gain as described in this X post hasn’t been documented in credible sources or verified posts yet. But would we really be surprised if the elite power club hadn’t let a few of our hard-paid tax dollars stick to their fingers?