A perfect 90-seconds summary of the climate scam
“The notion that CO2 is pollution is absolutely preposterous… The idea that [it’s] going to destroy the planet or change the temperature of the Earth is totally ludicrous.” “But from a totalitarian perspective, if you can convince people that CO2 is pollution, there’s no human activity that doesn’t result in CO2 emissions, including living, including dying, turning on a light switch.” “Every single aspect of your life, then, if we submit to the idea that CO2 is pollution, then comes under the regulatory control of the people who claim to be saving us from pollution.”
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman delivers a PERFECT 90 second summary of the climate scam:
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman delivers a PERFECT 90 second summary of the climate scam:
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) December 26, 2024
"The notion that CO2 is pollution is absolutely preposterous… The idea that [it's] going to destroy the planet or change the temperature of the Earth is totally ludicrous."
"But… pic.twitter.com/DDYfiNm1P2
This is earth's climate for 130,000 years, an icehouse world that returned 40 times in a 2.58 million year ice age & Antarctica ice covered for 34 million years. A 10,000+- year warm interglacial was a lucky break for humanity. Carbon dioxide had no part in a changing climate. pic.twitter.com/cPFfjfCqsp
— Peter Clack (@PeterDClack) December 27, 2024
“CO2..lacks sufficient enthalpy to have any measurable [climate] effect”
New study:
— Kenneth Richard (@Kenneth72712993) May 2, 2024
Water vapor is 84x better at absorbing radiation than CO2.
CO2 and T are negatively correlated 42% of the last 50 million years.
Clouds drove 89% of 1982-2018 warming.
"CO2..lacks sufficient enthalpy to have any measurable [climate] effect"https://t.co/oqJfRY9f4z pic.twitter.com/Y8naWtR32s
What happened when carbon dioxide was 4,500ppm?
Bemer is not the only study that shows the high CO2 levels during Cambrian through the middle Devonian. There are several others. pic.twitter.com/MLdWVvAU4j
— Rob H (@RobH02050318) December 24, 2024
Nature at work producing lots of CO2
The tectonic surface of earth is a thin rocky layer in perpetual motion. Colliding tectonic plates endlessly reshaped the land surface, creating new pathways for ocean currents. This is the driving force for the environment.
🚨🇺🇸 Mt. Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii has just started erupting
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) December 23, 2024
Billions of tonnes of natural Co2 spewing out into the Earths atmosphere.
But sure keep thinking spending billions on Carbon Capture & stopping Cows Farting is going to change the Weather. pic.twitter.com/il9xNtwJ8H
Is it all the Sun’s fault after all?
Climate hoax takes it on the chin again: New study says warming since 2013 explained by increases in absorbed solar radiation, not CO2.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) December 24, 2024
Study: https://t.co/EzlTidxVjE
Discussion: https://t.co/hkGNBLCVo1 pic.twitter.com/bq2Wtg1PYP
None of this will be reported since it disrupts ‘settled’ science narrative
Half of human emissions are being quickly pushed back into the biosphere, the scientists say, causing substantial, famine-busting plant growth, while the rest is entering a ‘saturated’ atmosphere and having a minimal effect on global temperatures. One of the papers accepting the human involvement in rising CO2is published by the CO2 Coalition, which notes: “We like CO2, so should you.” Daily Sceptic
Dramatic evidence has been published in a number of recent science papers that CO2 levels are already 'saturated', meaning little or no further warming is to be expected and rising CO2 levels are all beneficial. https://t.co/8dVlUYF29U
— Toby Young (@toadmeister) December 24, 2024
Bloomberg News hails this graph showing global cooling over the past 485 million years as one of "The 10 Most Intriguing Science Breakthroughs of 2024":
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) December 28, 2024
"It shows that over the last 485 million years, the climate fluctuated between “hothouse” periods when the global temperature… pic.twitter.com/od7oDrAdpP
The geological history of earth for 600 million years shows that carbon dioxide never once controlled the climate. There is no correlation at all. The UN ignored actual science & set up the IPCC, a puppet agency, to market it's globalist scam & create a one world government. pic.twitter.com/Apbad38GaL
— Peter Clack (@PeterDClack) December 28, 2024
About that ice…
"Doesn't Fit MSM Narrative": Latest Arctic Ice Data Shows 26% Larger Than 2012 https://t.co/FdA02ZxvkT
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 26, 2024
Remember who is behind it all
Marc Morano, author of ‘The Great Reset’, delivers a concise summary of Klaus Schwab and the WEF’s plans for humanity:
“He’s talking about us essentially giving up national sovereignty, giving up individual freedoms, and turning over rule to experts… This whole agenda is to make it so we have no choice on some of the biggest questions of our lives.” “We didn’t get to vote on whether gas powered cars would be banned, we didn’t vote for vaccine mandates, we didn’t vote for lockdowns, we didn’t vote for banning of meat. But all of this is happening, because at these meetings like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, they meet and they work with government-corporate collusion to bypass democracy and impose stuff through this corporate government fascism.”