The other herbicide – Banned in 40 countries, legal here

Atrazine is a chlorinated herbicide of the triazine class. It is used to prevent pre-emergence broadleaf weeds in crops such as maize, soybean and sugarcane and on turf, such as golf courses and residential lawns. Atrazine’s primary manufacturer is Syngenta and it is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States, Canadian, and Australian agriculture. The problem is, it appears to be highly toxic. It is a widely used herbicide that prevents weeds in crops and turf. It is banned in the EU, but controversial in here in the US, where it is linked to endocrine disruption and environmental risks.

  • The Pesticide Atrazine Causes Male Feminization
  • Male Frogs Turned Completely Female When Exposed To Only 0.1 – 2 ppb Atrazine.
  • The EPA Allows 3 ppb In Our Drinking Water.
  • In Europe, The Legal Limit Of Atrazine In Drinking Water Is ZERO!

Atrazine is the second most used herbicide in North America, after Glyphosate. 85 million pounds are sprayed on crops annually, which then enter the drinking water. All despite it being banned by 40 other countries for dangerous health outcomes from exposure.

Chronic Health Conditions Caused By Atrazine To Both Men and Women:

Breast Cancer * Diabetes * Osteoporosis * Prostate Cancer * Ovarian Cancer * Cervical Cancer * Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma * Shrinks Testicles * Reduces Sperm Count * Induces Ovaries * Reduces Androgen Larynx * Disrupts Gonadal Development * Causes Testicular Lesions * Chemical Castration * Male Infertility * Low Estrogen * Menstrual Cycle Irregularities * Hormonal Imbalance * Birth Defects * Low Birth Rates

The EPA has chosen to put the interests of pesticide manufacturers ahead of human health:

  • Ignored more than 10 human studies showing human health harm from Atrazine in drinking water
  • Ignored the data showing that Atrazine changes brain function & behavior
  • Dismissed the children’s health impacts from Atrazine

Discounted cancer risks of Atrazine. Since the EPA is not doing its job of protecting the public from pesticides, it is essential for families to safeguard their own health. Atrazine and similar herbicides can be removed from tap water by carbon filters. Buying reverse osmosis filtered and purified water is also a safe choice.

Atrazine: Complete Feminization Of Frogs

Atrazine Hormonal Disruption

EWG Atrazine Research Article

Speaker: @RobertKennedyJr Video: @truehumandiet