Spending warning from Rand Paul, Tom Massie despite the savings from DOGE

Now that Republican Budget resolutions are moving forward, we should look closely.

The Senate calls for $900 billion less in on-budget spending and $325 billion more in new spending?

Sounds like less spending . . . but is it?

To offset the new spending and meet a goal of reduced spending, $900 billion in spending must be cut in the remaining six months of fiscal 2025 to meet the budget targets.

Yet no one and, I mean NO one, believes the necessary cuts will actually occur this year. (We are told to hold our applause until next year, the ever-elusive next year.)

Unfortunately, next month Big Govt. Republicans will also vote to add $300b for CA wildfires, making the deficit this year around $2.2 trillion.

Beware a Republican majority whose first use of their power is to increase spending and expand the deficit!

Beware of any promise to reduce the deficit . . . next year. RAND PAUL ON X

Want to see how DOGE is doing?

Elon has set up a website where you can watch and see all the money that is being saved and that has been taken from each department in real time. https://www.doge-tracker.com