This Pride Month – Let’s Look at Types of Trans

Here, the author discusses various archetypes within the transgender movement, including those who are seen as predatory and those who are considered victims.

The post also touches on the power dynamics within the movement and the influence of certain groups on its direction.

The longer answer is a bit more nuanced, but here goes: anyone who spends anytime studying the transgender movement quickly realizes that there are several distinct archetypes of trans people. There are some overlap between some of them, but many of them are quite distinct from the others and really have very little in common. Some are predatory, others are victims themselves.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, but the two main predatory archetypes are:

  • The AGP (Autogynephilia) males, the middle aged men who have been secretly crossdressing as a fetish their whole lives, often are married with children, and of all the archetypes, is by far the most likely to be outwardly “successful” in life as it relates to career/financial status.
  • The incels, the men who have essentially failed as men, remain extremely sexually frustrated, overwhelmingly blame women for their sexual failures (and have become quite radicalized against them) and view transitioning merely as a dating strategy. These are the most overtly misogynistic of the group, the ones aggressively pressuring lesbians to sleep with them, and the ones sending rape and death threats to any woman who dares advocate for the right to say no to these men.


And then you have the victims; the autistic kids, the gender non-conforming gay teens, the survivors of childhood sexual exploitation (overwhelming girls), the social misfits and the socially contagious girls. A lot of kids will fall into one or more of these categories, but the one common denominator is, they are all children likely to be uncomfortable with their bodies (especially during puberty) and are all uniquely susceptible to the message that there’s something wrong with them and that they were literally “born in the wrong body”. They are the most vulnerable to the toxic message of the gender ideologues.

Paradoxically, these kids are victims of the gender cult even while they remain their most militant supporters. These are the foot soldiers of the trans movement, the ones screaming at protests and counter protests, the ones attacking old women for demanding sex-based rights, but by no means are they in any type of leadership positions or have any ability to influence the direction of the movement. They are almost universally “failing” at life in many ways; numerous mental health comorbidities, stunted intellectual development from puberty blockers/wrong sex hormones, little to no social skills, these kids have really nothing to their personalities that makes them unique other than their trans identity ( which is why they cling to it so aggressively).


Now back to the main point: the AGP males are numerically in the minority of the whole trans community. But they are massively overrepresented in positions of real power in the movement. They are the ones on the boards of corporations/charities, high executive positions, high ranking military and government, lawyers, academia and doctors etc etc. They are the ones with real decision making power and they are the ones ultimately guiding the movement.

That is why almost everything this movement chooses to expand it’s resources/energy on is things that by far benefit this one cohort more than the others, such as ensuring that men have unquestioned access to female single-sex spaces (how does that benefit the sexually molested girl who transitioned as a man to escape her female sex?). It is also why such high emphasis is placed on transitioning children, because the existence of “trans kids” retroactively validates and rebrands these mens sexual fetish as an “innate identity”.

Once you realize the power structure here, and who is in charge of the entire movement, everything it does makes so much more sense. And the urgency with which we need to defeat it becomes even more clear