Irony: Billionaire’s playground ruined by climate alarmists’ favorite

As a rough guide, Martha’s Vineyard island off Cape Cod in Massachusetts is for millionaires. Its close neighbor, Nantucket, is for billionaires. They both feature many liberals.

Imagine how pissed off they were to discover their precious, exclusive beaches – good for a short season of about eight weeks – are being showered with sharp shards of fiberglass from a destroyed wind turbine? Now pieces of this windmill are scattered all over the ocean and beaches doing all sorts of damage. This is Democrat’s green energy scam at its finest. All that fuss to create alternate energy and now it’s literally biting you in the ass.

All of Nantucket’s south-facing beaches were finally reopened (today) Wednesday morning after an extensive debris recovery effort was conducted in response to an “offshore incident” that caused damage to a towering wind turbine over the weekend.

The Vineyard Wind turbine, nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower, experienced blade damage on Saturday night, according to developers of the offshore project.

So far, crews have removed about 17 cubic yards of debris, enough to fill more than six truckloads, as well as several larger pieces that washed ashore, Vineyard Wind said in an update.
