Is this the man Trump has to beat?

Marc Elias has been the driving force behind dismantling election security all over this country. Paul Sperry did a fantastic deep dive of the Devil’s Advocate.

He makes the point that I wholeheartedly agree with, Trump is not running against Kamala Harris he is running against Marc Elias.

-Elias has already filed 60 lawsuits against all common sense election integrity laws
-he has been sending threatening letters to election officials in GA who attempt to remove noncitizens
-Elias is on the record threatening to deploy a 75 people army of lawyers in order to contest a Trump win
-In 2024, the RNC is attempting to fight back by filing 123 lawsuits in 26 states

However, at this point we are playing catchup. Democrats have a network of judges, lawyers and organized activists to attack election integrity in the media and the courts at the same time
while accusing republicans of being the danger to democracy. Elias is not just a lawyer, he works in the background to interfere with elections and undermine candidates.

Elias was the architect of the 2020 heist and he is the architect of the Steele Dossier for Hilary Clinton. He was integral in feeding that stuff to the FBI and at his former firm Perkins Coie shared an office with FBI.

Elias currently represents the:

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
[Democratic] Senate Majority PAC
Stop Trump PAC
The Lincoln Project
Adam Schiff
Sherrod Brown

When he says he is protecting democracy, he actually talking about political lawfare, inside and outside of the courts. He is involved with Arabella Advisors the leftist dark money group that infuses hundreds of millions of dollars into hard left policies.

We are way past lawfare though. Marc Elias routinely threatens election officials who do not do as they are told. He did it in Conchise County and he did it in Mohive County. And while we have no proof
I can guarantee he exerts influence on the AZ AG.

Marc Elias was behind trying to abolish the witness requirements for WI absentee ballots which luckily failed.

While I loathe his tactics and his policies, the right needs to develop its own election lawfare complex and go on the offense. Democrats spend three years before the election planning how to dismantle election integrity. We need our own Marc Elias, just an ethical one.

Who is the puppeteer