The U.S. House of Representatives Thursday repealed a discriminatory Social Security rule denounced by mental health experts and the anti-gun American Civil Liberties Union.
If you didn’t know that, it’s because liberal media outlets reported it with headlines like this:
BREAKING: US House of Representatives has voted to roll back background checks for gun ownership
The reaction was instantaneous, and intentional. Social media was flooded with rabid leftists hurling death threats at Republican lawmakers — accusing them of abolishing background checks at gun shows.
It was a complete lie.
There was no change whatsoever to background check requirements.
The rule in question automatically listed Social Security and Veterans Administration beneficiaries as banned gun owners if they had named someone else to handle their finances.
Under this Obama administration proposal, bureaucrats within the SSA and VA would automatically deem someone as “mentally incompetent” if they had a fiduciary handling their benefits and they would be entered into the National Instant Check System as prohibited persons.
According to Federal law, those deemed “mentally incompetent” are prohibited from purchasing, owning or possessing firearms.
The rule would strip 4.2 million Americans of their right to keep and bears arms, just among those on the Social Security list.
Millions of Americans would be denied their constitutional rights, without a medical examination or due process of law.
It brought the immediate denunciation of mental health experts, who are among the most anti-gun of any profession. They slammed the Obama administration for falsely concluding that problems performing math or balancing a checkbook made one “mentally incompetent” or a threat to others.
It also brought challenges from the ACLU, another reliably anti-gun group.
“All individuals have the right to be judged on the basis of their individual capabilities, not the characteristics and capabilities that are sometimes attributed (often mistakenly) to any group or class to which they belong. A disability should not constitute grounds for the automatic per se denial of any right or privilege, including gun ownership,” the ACLU wrote in an announcement endorsing the congressional bill.
None of that mattered to the mainstream media, who used the vote as another opportunity to spread Fake News intended to escalate threats against the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers.
“May they reap what they sow!,” wrote Twitter user @timekeeper1346, a phrase liberals often use to call for the assassination of Republican lawmakers.
“Republicans can explain their “thoughts & prayers” the next time 6 year olds are gunned down en masse with AR-15s by a nut,” screeched @mombity
Twitter user @momodamermaid responded to the fake Associated Press report with photograph of Stokely Carmichael and the caption “For non-violence to work, your opponent must have a conscience.” Carmichael was a member of the Black Panther Party terrorist group.
“Again – no longer care. Let every sicko get a gun – maybe all the rednecks will kill each other. Fingers crossed,” wrote @LarahMorgana.
“now someone just needs to tell John Hinckley Jr that Trump is dating Jodie Foster,” wrote @THE_OSU, referring to the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan.