How do you pay when the power is out?

Reddit user voicesinmyhand made a very good point about planning for survival after a cataclysmic event.

You can be prepared for any event, but when everything blows over, don’t count on everything to be smooth sailing directly afterward.

Here’s what voicesinmyhand had to say:


Most of Irma is done with here in FL. We were prepared, but lacked this one thing that we never really thought much about… from preppers

Voicesinmyhand was prepared and lucky enough to have only needed TireSlime, but when mass hysteria hits and the demand for first aid supplies, water, and food is high, you can’t depend on a national company like Walmart to choose you over business interests.

Make sure you’re prepared for situations like voicesinmyhand described.

How would YOU prepare for a situation like this? Share your ideas in the comments below.