A few days ago, I posted an interview about the supposed resurgence of socialism and pointed out that Bernie Sanders isn’t really a socialist. At least if we use the technical definition of that unsavory form of statism, writes Dan Mitchell.
Based on reader reaction, though, what people most liked about that column were the links at the end to various examples of anti-socialism humor.
I’m happy to cater to those preferences since I like mocking statist ideologies, so let’s enjoy a new edition of socialism humor.
I’ve previously posted a column that summarizes socialism in three pictures. Well, here’s the four-picture version.
By the way, left-wing friends have nit-picked by arguing that some of these photos don’t depict actual socialism.
I tell them that they’re being too literal. That’s not how humor works. Moreover, if they want to have a debate on the real-world consequences of socialism, I’m happy to do that.
I’m not even sure this next item, from libertarian Reddit, makes sense. But I confess I laughed when I first saw it.
Maybe it’s just because both only math-challenged people are drawn to Bernienomics and this “special.”
This next cartoon, also from libertarian Reddit, is self-explanatory.
Very similar to the last cartoon in this collection.
Let’s shift from images to an article. I’m not a conspiracy-minded guy, but I’ve sometimes wondered whether all the feature articles in the establishment press about ant colonies and bee hives is a subliminal effort to promote socialism. With that in mind, this satire from Babylon Bee is spot on.
It was a socialist paradise. Everyone working together in harmony and equally sharing in the labor. But then disaster struck. Disaster in the form of seven-year-old Timmy Gunderson. …he shook his older sister’s ant farm as if trying to reset an Etch A Sketch. Until then, the ant farm had been a model of true socialism.
No markets. No capitalists growing rich off the labor of others. Just everyone sharing in the noble work of digging tunnels and harvesting the seeds and sugar water provided daily by eleven-year-old Molly Gunderson. …“The right might seize on the collapse of yet another socialist society,” said professor Clinton Morris. “But it’s important to note that what happened was not a failure of socialism. What caused its failure were outside forces, namely little Timmy.” …measures have been taken to prevent the same disaster from happening again, namely placing the ant farm high up on a bookshelf. Perhaps this time socialism’s promise of a perfect society will be fulfilled.
But maybe socialist society won’t be so perfect for Fido and Rover.
I’ll close with another item that showed up in my inbox.
Given what’s happening in Venezuela, we probably shouldn’t laugh.
P.S. To make my life simpler (adding a long collection of hyperlinks is a pain in the butt), I’ve created a special page for all of my socialism and communism humor.