Too soon? Coronavirus Humor

Dan has addressed the public-policy implications of the coronavirus, both in general and looking at a couple of specific issues.

Now it’s time for some Gallows Humor about the disease.

We’ll start with this item that’s related to Wednesday’s column about gun ownership and the potential breakdown of civil order.

For what it’s worth, there’s been a significant increase in the percentage of people citing societal breakdown as a reason to support the 2nd Amendment.

wrote last year about how more than 2 million children are being home-schooled.

That number has skyrocketed with schools being closed, which is giving libertarians an opportunity to pass on important messages to their kids.

I should probably add this to my collection of libertarian humor.

And if you like humor about home-schooling, you’ll enjoy this video.

Next we have a clever meme that a reader sent to me.

This is only the second time that Greta has appeared on this site, which is surprising.

wrote about potential economic-policy responses to the coronavirus earlier this week.

Here’s a meme about Republicans and Democrats dealing with cognitive dissonance.

Speaking of cognitive dissonance, a lefty friend sent me this very clever bit of Trump-Bernie humor.

Left-leaning readers will also appreciate this and this.

Let’s close with two items that belong in my collection of socialism/communism humor.

It seems we have a second reason to close colleges.

I favor a different approach if we want to cure young people of their infatuation with socialism, but any port in a storm.

Last but not least, there’s a very good solution if you’re running out of toilet paper.

I’m sure Karl won’t mind (though some people at the European Commission will be offended).

If there’s a shortage of this option, I also recommend all ghost-written books from politicians as well as Thomas Piketty’s errorriddled screedCapital in the 21st Century.