by Dan Mitchell

What’s the difference between a socialist and a communist?
If we’re using the technical definition of socialism (government ownership, central planning, and price controls), there’s no difference. At least with regards to economics.
But most people don’t use the technical definition. There are plenty of self-described socialists who simply want higher tax rates and a bigger welfare state.
I disagree with their preferred policies, but I don’t assume they are bad people.
By contrast, I automatically assume that self-described communists are despicable human beings. After all, what sort of person identifies with an ideology that has caused 100 million deaths?
Which is why socialism humor usually mocks the naivete of supporters while communism humor highlights the moral blindness of supporters.
Such as this meme.

There’s a special place in hell (much deserved) for the vapid young people who wear Che t-shirts.

Speaking of vapid young people, here’s an article from the Babylon Bee, the nation’s top site for political satire.
According to sources, local high-school senior and avowed radical communist Kazden McChitterly is “a bit unsettled” after discovering the hammer and sickle from the insignia he proudly wears on his t-shirts and knit hats represents hard physical labor. “Wait– that’s an actual hammer? Like the kind you swing?” said McChitterly nervously. …Witnesses say he grew even more uncomfortable when he found out about the sickle. “I thought it was just a weapon used to gloriously cut down our capitalist foes!” he exclaimed after discovering it was actually used to gather grain for the government during 20-hour workdays in the bitter cold. …He relaxed, however, after his history teacher explained that “democratic communism” hasn’t yet been tried and is way better than the old communism that involved a lot of work and starvation.
I’m not sure about the identity of this guy, but he’s probably a relative of this libertarian.

Needless to say, we shouldn’t actually be dropping communists from helicopters. Forcing them to live in a communist hellhole such as North Korea or Cuba would be a more appropriate punishment.
Here’s my favorite item from today’s collection, since it accurately captures one of the big internal contradictions of Marxism.
As I noted yesterday, people are imperfect. We tend to be greedy, for instance.
But capitalism at least channels greed productively. We have to serve others if we want wealth. With communism, however, ruling others (and impoverishing them) is the only source of wealth.
Heck, even voluntary forms of Marxism don’t work.
P.S. Here’s a quiz that tells you the extent to which you have communist thoughts (I was offended that I scored 6 percent).