How the Witch-hunt is Juicing the 2024 Campaign

According to a Morning Consult/Politico poll, Donald Trump is picking up support from GOP voters should he to make a White House run in 2024.

From Morning Consult:

In the Aug. 10 survey, 58% of Republican voters said they would support Trump if the 2024 Republican presidential primary were today, the highest on record since his 2020 loss. The share of support is up from 54% in July and 53% in June amid the high-profile congressional Jan. 6 hearings.

Trump’s improvement has come to the detriment of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose 2024 support has slumped 5 percentage points since late July,to 16%.

Similarly, a record-high 71% of GOP voters say that Trump should run for president in 2024.

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