Dominion Voting Systems sued FOX News (Rupert Murdoch) for $1.6 billion* in a defamation lawsuit in March 2021.
Now they are in trouble. FOX News uncovered through its discovery in the case that Dominion’s own employees expressed serious concerns about the security of its machines.
Mark Beckstrand, a Dominion Sales Manager, confirmed that other parties “have gotten ahold of [Dominion’s] equipment illicitly” in the past. Beckstrand identified specific instances in Georgia and North Carolina and testified that a Dominion machine was “hacked” in Michigan. Beckstrand confirmed that these security failures were “reported about in the news.”

Raheem has a very good piece on this.

*$1.6Bn no connection to Dominion’s financial value as a company or any supposed injury it suffered as a result of FNN’s reporting. Staple Street Capital Partners paid a small fraction of that amount to acquire a controlling interest in Dominion only four years ago. And even under the most optimistic projections, Staple Street has never estimated Dominion’s value as a business to be anywhere near $1.6 billion.