Dutch Farmers in Shock Election Outcome

The upstart populist pro-farmer party FarmerCitizenMovement (BBB) shook the foundations of politics in the Netherlands overnight, securing a significant victory in Wednesday’s provincial elections on the back of growing resentment against the globalist government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his plans to introduce Great Reset-style environmental policies.

Dutch government proposals for tackling nitrogen emissions indicate a radical cut in livestock – they estimate 11,200 farms will have to close and another 17,600 farmers will have to significantly reduce their livestock.

Other proposals include a reduction in intensive farming and the conversion to sustainable “green farms”. The cabinet allocated €25bn (ÂŁ20bn) to slicing nitrogen emissions within the farming industry by 2030, and the targets for specific areas and provinces have been laid out in a colour-coded map.

It is claimed that the production and use of nitrogen fertilizers generates climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions, as does livestock waste. Holland has famously very densely farmed its precious land using smart techniques and a lot of chemicals. Green politicians and scientists believe that Holland will be the first to fall but it’s only a matter of time before it spreads to other European countries.

The farmers were fighting back. They have held many protest events, mostly involving driving tractors into the cities and closing down roads. Yesterday they found out that most of the population is with them.