In Biden’s America it’s just fine to barricade federal officials in a courthouse, but shake a fence at Congress and this is what happens.

The January 6th arrests have mostly focused on four misdemeanors: a count of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, a count of disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, a count of disorderly conduct in a capitol building and a count of parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol building. Four Proud Boys leaders were also charged with seditious conspiracy, a rarely brought Civil War-era offense.

But the lives of those charged have been ruined as thought they were violent felonies. Four have committed suicide. The Proud Boys have been demonized beyond any recognition of their original crimes.

Let’s look at one of the worst cases. Zachary Rehl was seen on video spraying a ‘chemical irritant’ (What does this mean? A cleaning product?) at law enforcement officers outside the Capitol building. This is a terrible thing to do and definitely a crime. He has received 15 years in prison – half of the government’s request – for his actions. At the other end of the scale, Mark Ponder merely protested at the Capitol on January 6 because he believed freedom in America was close to being lost. He was sentenced to more than five years in federal prison.

Meanwhile, the Portland BLM offenders below weren’t even charged. In what world is any of this fair?

Julie Kelly is the only journalist covering the J6 trials. She has posted shocking reports of trial manipulation by a judge who was appointed by Trump but nevertheless seems hellbent on crucifying his supporters, Proud Boys or regular citizens.

She has reported in the cops’ involvement in the events of the day, including this:

And the sadistic

And the useless and compliant uniparty:

Here is her piece on the judge in the case.

“Kelly, a Trump appointee and former prosecutor in the same office now handling every January 6 case, acted as a rubber stamp for the DOJ or, as one observer noted to me, another member of the prosecution. Time and again, Kelly sided with the government in withholding from the jury extensive evidence of FBI misconduct and use of informants. Defense attorneys were ordered to “pre-clear” cross examination questions related to FBI informants with prosecutors prior to a government witness taking the stand.

He refused to compel testimony from key FBI informants; Kelly signed off on an order allowing DOJ to cite unindicted individuals as “tools” of the overall conspiracy, a ruling that undoubtedly will be one part of a lengthy appeal.

In fact, it’s hard to point to one instance when Kelly ruled in the defense’s favor. And now Kelly has placed his judicial imprimatur on the DOJ’s attempt to codify fence-shaking as a terror crime punishable by up to ten extra years in jail.

This transcript is lengthy but provides a view into the outlandish thinking of nearly every judge on the D.C. District Court.”

Judge Tim Kelly Proud Boys … by Julie Kelly

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