Life comes at you fast – Crime denier murdered in his own home

Yesterday, a Philadelphia-based gay activist and leftist journalist was shot and killed in his home. Philly, like all bue cities is a hot violent mess, but this man was in denial. Apologists like him, who should be holding the city’s officials feet to the fire, rarely see what the victims of crime suffer and merely report in accordance with the leftists rote of diversity, privilege and personal identity. In this case we are sorry to report that he died a victim of the crime wave he wouldn’t confront.

Josh Kruger, a 39-year-old freelance housing reporter was shot seven times in the chest and abdomen after a person with a gun entered his home in Point Breeze, a neighborhood in south Philadelphia just after 1:00 a.m.

Police responded and he was taken to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead, police said.

And in a similar fashion the Defund the Police lady is attacked