German farmers are pissed off. A new net-zero eco-tax on agricultural diesel has pushed them over the edge. Like their counterparts in the Netherlands, Austria and Hungary they have had enough. This weekend they descended on their capital, Berlin, to make their displeasure known as only farmers can. A multi-mile line of tractors filled with muck delivered more than a million words. The globalists and their henchmen in the European Union were sent an unequivocal message. Mess with the food supply and it will not end well.
JUST IN: German Farmers TAKE OVER Berlin..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) January 8, 2024
The world is beginning to wake up to the reality that what we vote for is not what we are getting. The real power-players are bureaucrats, trained, often unaware, by a pathocracy.* They are informed by policy documents funded and contrived by unelected, self-serving organizations such as the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations’ agencies and are told these are universal truths. Their experts were schooled in universities passing down ideas from businesses and organizations who do not have our best interests at heart. Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many rules and regulations governing our homes, roads, schools, food, medicines? Because they are dreamt up and implemented by bureaucrats who advise their “bosses”, the elected officials. In most cases, the bureaucrats are unaware they are advancing the causes of the globalists seeking to control every aspect of our lives. They believe they are enforcing international standards, or best-practice, but in truth they are implementing policies destined to return us to something approaching serfdom. All for the Greater Good, of course.
Food is one of their weapons. Net-zero CO2 nonsense is a great vehicle to achieve their ends. Blaming farmers for contributing too many “greenhouse gases” and trying to shut them down will ultimately starve us. This is their plan.
Thank you to the German farmers for showing us the disconnect between Net Zero and starvation. As we write this, other countries are joining the protest.
German farmers block roads in nationwide protest over diesel tax plans
— Sky News (@SkyNews) January 8, 2024
Some leaders are savvy enough to see the problem and no one is more vocal than the phenomenal Christine Anderson MEP from the AfD party in Germany.
She said this yesterday:
Tomorrow, January 8th, 2024, the time has come. The people are finally and literally fed up.
Starting in the early hours of the morning, large protests will take place across Germany, which I assume will paralyze large parts of our country.
Originally planned and prepared by our farmers, they now receive enormous support and support from numerous other professional groups as well as private initiatives. A great momentum of maximum solidarity has emerged. The citizens’ anger is directed against the disastrous policies of the traffic light government but also against its former midwife, the CDU, which, as today’s pseudo-opposition under Friedrich-“BlackRock”-Merz, is continuing the old, notorious Merkel course.
The people have understood that, as in the Middle Ages, they are being squeezed and driven to ruin by an irresponsible political negative elite. On January 8th, 2024 we will see what happens when the pillars of this state no longer humbly lower their heads and let everything happen to them, but instead put the authoritarian policies of the old parties, which are directed against their own people, in their place.
Therefore, of course I will also be on January 8th. be there and support the protests. Specifically, I will be helping my Hessian AfD state association with its “Aktion 2024”, which will be present on the streets throughout Hesse on this day with numerous AfD information stands on the edge of the demonstration routes.
It is important to us as the AfD to sustainably support the protests of the farmers and all the other key figures in the country. We do this in two ways: On the one hand, we strengthen the movement directly on the streets by being on site with information stands and banner campaigns parallel to the demonstrations, but without attracting attention with our own party symbols within the rallies.
The protests are planned by excellent organizers and activists outside of politics and are far more effective when they are not tinged with party politics. On the other hand, we are once again supporting the movement at the parliamentary level, with corresponding motions and legislative initiatives in the federal and state parliaments. For example, our parliamentary group had already called for not only the retention of the #Agrardiesel refund in 2022, but even a temporary doubling. Just six months ago, we applied for, among other things, a nationwide farm takeover bonus for young farmers in order to counteract the death of farms (printed matter 20/7579). Of course, these applications and many others were rejected by the old parties. Streets and politics must work hand in hand. This approach was already successful during the Corona coercive measures crisis. While our members and elected officials regularly took part in the Monday demonstrations “in civilian clothes”, in the parliament it was ultimately only the AfD members who still offered political resistance. This common solidarity between the citizen protests on the streets and our supporting work in parliaments ultimately brought the resistance victory over the false narratives.
As a determined fighter for freedom and self-determination, I will therefore also be on January 8th. be there again and support the peaceful protests. It would be nice if you – dear readers – found the opportunity to take part in the day of action tomorrow in order to strengthen local protest actions through your participation.
I look forward to the peaceful and democratic protest against the authoritarian wealth destroyers of the traffic light government and its pseudo-opposition (CDU). Let’s show them where the hammer is!
See you on the road tomorrow! Greetings to you warmly, Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP ( #AfD )
Let us pray the American farmers, those who have not yet been forced off their land by taxes, billionaires and “investment companies” like State Street and BlackRock, will show similar spine and fortitude.
*Definition: pathocracy (n). A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people.