Ted Turner, rich elites want 95% population reduction – do they mean them – or us?

As an Agenda Contributor for the World Economic Forum (WEF), Ted Turner has made a disturbing proposition to Audubon magazine. He asserts that the planet is grossly overpopulated and that extreme depopulation measures are necessary. “A total (global) population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal,” declared Turner in his interview with Audubon magazine.

Turner has not only vocalized this draconian view but also put his money where his mouth is. He invested $125 million into a foundation dedicated to population control initiatives both in the United States and internationally. This action reflects his belief that overpopulation is the most critical issue facing our world today. “About all you can really do is think globally and act locally,” Turner stated, revealing his alignment with globalist ideologies.

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports that since the 1990s, Turner’s endowment has been disbursing approximately $6 million annually on various projects aimed at slashing the global population from its current six billion to two billion or fewer. (More here)

Remember, the WEF’s agenda remains explicitly anti-human. Their members contend that a staggering 90-95% reduction in humanity would conveniently resolve their so-called “problems” and facilitate achieving their audacious “Net Zero” objectives.

“We just don’t need the vast majority of the population…”