Dear Infidels: A Warning to America

PragerU’s short documentary features first-hand accounts from those who escaped Islamic rule and have come to warn America. Watch it. Around 13 minutes in you will see how unfettered immigration may lead to a huge problem for our Republic.

These stories are amazing. Their message is unequivocal.


– Ayman Abu Suboh (later Dor Shachar), a Palestinian who escaped to Israel from the terror of Hamas and later converted to Judaism.

– Sophia Salma Khalifa, an Arab Muslim born in Israel who moved to the U.S. to earn her master’s degree from Stanford University.

– Omar Vieira, retired U.S. Navy SEAL who served for 21 years and led high-risk operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other locations in the Middle East.

– Jason Tuschen, retired U.S. Navy SEAL Command Master Chief who served for 27 years and was responsible for executing National Security Strategy in the Middle East.

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Self-Reliance Central publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of SRC. Reproduced with permission.