A look at Kamala’s childhood and its influences

This in-depth review was prepared and produced prior to the last election – but it posited that Biden would not go full-term and, in fact, Kamala was always the “Rainbow Coalition’s” candidate for the White House. His words are prescient. It’s long but fascinating and identifies the communist links Kamala has developed over her life through almost every friend and contact she has ever made. IN fact she would be “China’s Best Friend” if she ever reaches the White House.

Friends, I have conducted painstaking research into Kamala Harris, the presumed Democratic presidential nominee. My findings reveal that Kamala Harris has extensive communist ties. Writes Trevor Loudon.

As a political commentator, I have written numerous articles about Kamala Harris, detailing her activities when she was previously a presidential and vice presidential candidate. The evidence is clear: Kamala Harris is deeply connected to communist ideologies and individuals.

From her parents’ involvement in a group that admired communist leaders like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, to her relationship with Willie Brown, a communist sympathizer, and her mentorship of individuals linked to Maoist communist groups, Kamala Harris’s background is deeply concerning.

Kamala Harris was supported by Steve Phillips, a former Marxist-Leninist and member of the pro-Chinese communist group League of Revolutionary Struggle. Philips married into the wealthy Sandler family, using his connections and wealth to finance and support Harris’s political career, just as he did for Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Stacey Abrams and others.

Furthermore, her political career has been supported by individuals with communist affiliations, including her current chief of staff and her husband, who works for a law firm with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Kamala Harris’s communist ties cannot be ignored. It is crucial that the American people are aware of the true nature of the presumed Democratic presidential nominee.

The question is this: “What kind of America do we want to leave for future generations?”

Stay informed, stay vigilant. The future of America is at stake.

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